TRY OUR NEW "BABY HORN WORM HABITATS" If you like our Horn Worms Habitat cups, Now we have a New 24 cup of small worms. (these cups come with half the food to keep them small.) These smaller worms will grow to 1-1/2 to 2 inches in length and are geared for all the smaller lizards that can't enjoy the larger worms because of there size. CARING FOR YOUR BABY HORN WORMS WHEN YOU GET OUR HORN WORMS YOU SHOULD EMPTY THE POOP OUT OF THERE CUP, STORE THE BABY HORN WORMS UP RIGHT CLEANING POOP OUT DAILY, KEEP THEM AT ROOM TEMP. SPECIAL NOTE BABY HORN WORMS WILL GROW WHEN WARM 78 TO 80 DEGREES IF THEY ARE GROWING TO FAST FOR YOU, YOU CAN PLACE THEM IN A COOLER ROOM BASEMENT OR COOL GARGE FLOOR. DEPENDING ON HOW MANY YOU FEED EVERYDAY DEPENDS ON HOW LONG THEY LAST.
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